Set up a provocation with us.......

Set up a provocation with us.......

In early years a provocation encourages curiosity, promotes critical thinking and deepens understanding.

Using a mix of loose parts, containers, natural materials, toys and resources together you can provide a set up that covers all the seven areas of learning within the Early Years Foundation Stage.

From your provocation you can watch as children engage in open ended play, listen to their speech and watch their play while they use a mixture of their senses and experiences to create their own play. It is important to know what you want to provide and what you are intending intending for the children to learn from this. Bare in mind the play may not go to plan but this is absolutely fine = it is their play.

By observing you can extend the play by offering other items e.g. should I child begin to use a cup for pretending to drink, why not offer water, tea bags and little spoons?

We have some great letter and number pebbles where you could spell words and names and add to play.

Read our review on our potion set Ofsted loved it.

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